From Hobbies That Make You Happy To A Business That Makes You Money

From Hobbies That Make You Happy

To A Business That Makes You Money

By: Beatriz Flores

We have been forced to spend an absurd amount of time within the confines of our home because of the current pandemic the world is facing. I bet your off hours were usually spent to include going to your favorite restaurants after work, catching a drink with friends to cap off a busy week, or maybe you are one of the people who consider themselves a Weekend Warrior. Regardless of how you used to pass your free time, I am pretty sure now they are all spent at home. So, here are the top three hobbies that anyone and everyone can and seems to be picking up on.


  1. Arts and Crafts

Art projects were usually a fun school activity we used to do as kids. If before, we were kind of worried of how our grades would turn out once we submit them, but now we could do it just for fun. You do not have to push yourself to do your best for a good grade, you can just freely explore different crafts.

Aside from producing aesthetically pleasing work, it can provide a sense of escape from the very stressful situations we are facing nowadays. The best thing about arts and crafts is there are countless mediums that you can develop and use. All the materials you need are available online and will be delivered right at your doorstep. Why not share your beautiful creations with the world?

There has always been a clientele for beautiful things. And with most of the Filipino population spending their days in front of the walls of their homes, you can bet that someone has thought of or currently thinking of redecorating their homes. You never know, your unique piece might be the fresh touch they are itching for.

  1. Gain that Green Thumb

Like any child of the modern age, you have never really had the interest or the time to take care of a plant. It seemed like something your Lola, Mom, Dad, Tito, and Tita did. And if you are a bit like me, you have always been secretly intimidated by the green thumbs that your family seems to naturally possess. But maybe watching them take care of the cute little green things the past few months has got you wondering, can I also do that?

The influx of new Plant Moms and Dads across the Philippines has been such a great sight to witness. Having another living creature to nurture and protect truly provides many people a sense of purpose that this pandemic might have stolen from them. It is truly rewarding to see something you took care of thrive and grow.

If you’re thinking of starting a plant business, it comes with a responsibility. Selling someone a plant has never been as simple as giving someone a product for them to consume. You are blessing someone with a reason to function, and the gratifying feeling of accomplishment as they see their seedling grow. So, whether you are looking to make the world a greener place, or you just want to share the love that you found when you became a plant parent, go ahead!

  1. Weekend Warrior to Kitchen Master

Every weekend social media timeline would be filled with a serious amount of pictures and videos showing the amazing adventures that our friends had. But now the only beach or hiking photos that are posted are throwbacks. But the energy and the sense of adventure has been transformed into the exploration of the culinary world.

It is a grand feeling when you reach the epiphany that you can cook your favorite restaurant meals at home, and at a much lesser cost. You can even tweak the flavors to your liking! The satisfaction that it will give you is truly unmatched; no more paying for overpriced pizza. If before your family has only heard of your favorite meals through your stories, you can now prepare and share that good food with them. If everyone you love has been enjoying your scrumptious creations, then maybe it is time we expand our set of customers?

Cooking, combined with eating of course has always been a special and intimate experience in Filipino families. So, selling the dishes that may come from family recipes or from your own personal concoctions can be intimidating. But more than good food, you are marketing the journey you went through in preparing these meals. That warm moment you and your Mother shared while she shows you how she makes her Caldereta, or all the sleepless hours you spent perfecting your own pizza recipe. Your food might be new to most, but that does not mean it is not worth it. 

Yeah, it would make sense if your next question is, how are you going to make any of these business ideas come true? That is where Finex comes into the equation. We are a company that offers Personal Loans in behalf of our partner banks. So, if you are interested in turning your fun hobbies into a money-making venture, then send us an application through our website or message us in our Facebook page— Finex Outsourcing. We will take that first step with you.

About us

  • Finex  is widely recognized as the biggest and longest existing unsecured loans distribution company in the Philippines. A one-stop shop service provider for on-line borrowers, giving you a hassle-free loan servicing in terms of applications handling, and options that suit your desired financial needs. We partnered with various bank and financing institutions to give you the best non-collateralized loan deal that you can get.


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